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ATV @EuMW2014
Wir präsentieren mit MPI die Produkte der Advanced Semiconductor Test Division auf der European Microwave Week 2014 in Rom, Italien. Vom 07.10. bis 09.10.2014 sind wir auf dem MPI-Stand 195 in Halle 9 zu finden. Wir zeigen die neuesten On-Wafer Testlösungen und HF-Messspitzen.

MPI is proud to introduce the new Advanced Semiconductor Test (AST) division at European Microwave Week!
AST division was established based on an unique combination of manufacturing excellence and systems reliability incorporated from MPI's worldwide market leadership in Production LED Test Equipment and Probe Card Technologies, with decades of Engineering Probe Systems market expertise of the AST management team.
MPI AST division offers complete Test Solutions built on a variety of engineering probe systems, RF probes from 26 to 110 GHz, and the unique RF calibration software. Main applications are RF and mmW, Device Characterization for modeling and process development, High Power, and more.
Please come visit us at EuMW 2014 and find out more!